Go kart cross weight calculator
Go kart cross weight calculator

Wouldn’t you agree? After warm ups, or maybe into the heat races, the tire's grooves can no longer work into the dirt, at least not much because the dirt is harder than the rubber. However, the only time this understanding of side bite really applies is when the tire grooves (paddles) can work into the dirt (water), which is when the track is wet or slightly wet, in this condition traction is not a problem. Like a paddle in the water, the further you push the paddle down into the water, the more force you can put through the paddle to propel the boat. To the typical dirt racer, side bite is the idea that the car is rolling to the right, forcing the tires to dig into the dirt providing more traction. Makes sense and explains why the adjustments work. The idea of side bite, the tires digging into the dirt when sliding, then became someone's reason of why these changes needed to be made. It was discovered that the right side tires needed to be moved in and the center of gravity needed to be moved up. Many changes need to be made to get it to work to the best of its potential when sliding on dirt. Dirt track racers have never paid attention to these formulas and principles because when you take a car that handles well on asphalt, it does not do very well on dirt. On asphalt, without wings, there are lots of books written based on the laws of physics, with skid pad tests to back them up. Although I think I have it clear in my head, writing it down is another issue. Not until after reading tons of books, talking to hundreds of racers, thinking obsessively about it, meditating on it, collecting/analyzing gobs of data, and racing for 34 years that I think I may have a big T.O.E for dirt track racing. We may think we know or we may develop some theory of why they do what they do, but do we really understand? It has been my life long search to understand all that I can about dirt track chassis setup. Although we may know how adjustments affect the car, we do not always know why the adjustments do what they do. A theory to explain why the adjustments we make on our race car have the effects they do. Theoretical physics is the field of cutting edge theory in this area. Einstein himself died trying to develop a big T.O.E. Ever since Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, physicist have been trying to tie the two fields together, to devise a theory that fully explains all known physical phenomena into a Theory Of Everything (T.O.E.). But the two fields of study have great contradictions among them, things seem to work differently on an atomic level than they do at our level. There are proven formulas for Newtonian physics (basic understanding of how things move) and there are formulas for quantum physics (how atoms and particles move). I have been a dirt track racer for life, attending races since I was 3. Please read this article first then read Shocks: A Mystery No More. I have another article to go along with this one. To save this document, print it out, or view it in a normal format, click on the link below.


This article has been re-written in November of 2014 to update the content.

Go kart cross weight calculator