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machine guns, plasma rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, etc.). While at first they differ only in appearance, over time we unlock various elements of equipment and weapons (e.g. We are fighting as one of several available heroes. In the first of them, we have to kill our opponents, and in the second, capture the designated zones. Developers have prepared several game modes, including classic Deathmatch and Zone Control, unlocked after reaching level 4. Unlike the first installment of the series, offering a story campaign, Shadowgun: Deadzone is intended exclusively for multiplayer games for up to twelve people.

The project is available for free, but the game features microtransactions. The title is the responsibility of Madfinger Games, known from Dead Trigger 2 and Monzo. Shadowgun: Deadzone is a spin-off of the Shadowgun series, which consists of a third-person shooter from 2011 and its continuation in the form of Shadowgun Legends.