The current global warming paradigm shift in science is
The current global warming paradigm shift in science is

"The Discovery of Global Warming." Spencer Weart and American Institution of Physics, 2018. "Global Warming 101." National Resources Defense Council, 2018. An energy company that prides itself in using primarily natural gas to provide energy for their customers. Thus, big companies shifted to getting their energy from companies such as Exelon Corporations. Important public systems, such as the Metro in Washington D.C., want to ensure their customers that their use of an abundance of energy is not damaging the earth. The underlying factor of environmental damage has contributed to energy suppliers advertising their use of clean energy and even being in partnerships with environmentally-friendly organizations. citizens to obtain their energy from difference sources.

the current global warming paradigm shift in science is

The national awareness of global warming and climate change has caused many U.S. Natural gas, solar, and wind energy are growing in popularity as society drifts from depending on the oil or coal industries. As customers of big businesses see the impact of environmental damage, they desire clean energy too. With the effect that global warming has brought to the mindsets of many United States citizens, CEOs and founders of these businesses desire “clean energy”.

the current global warming paradigm shift in science is

In order to generate enough power for lighting several skyscrapers, fueling company cars, and powering manufacturing machines, these businesses need a sufficient energy supplier. Fortune 500 businesses thrive with hundreds of thousands of employees. With modern technology, resourceful innovation, and manufacturing transformation, the business industry has and continues to evolve. While scientific research supported these findings, people began to question where their energy was coming from. Secondly, the second most substantial contributor is the transportation in the United States (MacMallen). The United States’s burning of fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to air pollution. This culture needs to be powered by electricity, which has been mostly produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Many citizens are accustomed to several cars per family, various electric appliances, and even more than one home. Research supports that human activity contributes to damaging the greenhouse affect, specifically in the United States. In the greenhouse effect, carbon dioxide and other atmospheric gasses are trapped by the atmosphere, causing solar radiation as well as keeping the earth warm enough for life to exist.

the current global warming paradigm shift in science is

The greenhouse effect, which is a crucial concept to understand in regards to global warming, has been impacted by human activity severely in the past fifty years.

the current global warming paradigm shift in science is

Research began confirming these past issues were a result of global warming in 2015, and although many people denied the problem, others were worried as this issue became evidently ‘real’.Īlthough awareness has increased, the past use of fossil fuels has been detrimental to the earth. Global warming attracted public attention with events such as ice sheet collapses in 2003 Greenland, along with a deadly European heat wave occurring that same year. Although early scientists attempted to broadcast environmental damage several decades ago, the issue has only recently become a national conversation. The general United States population assumes that global warming is a recent epidemic however, the problem can be dated back to as early as the 1930s.

The current global warming paradigm shift in science is